Eva go Diva Official Aps

Terms and conditions

GENEREL All orders are regarded as a purchase and must be approved by Eva go Diva Official ApS. 

The orders placed, is binding for the customer. Delivery time given is from when the articles leave our warehouse. Any orders accepted by Eva go Diva Official ApS shall be subject to force majeure, inadequate sales of the article ordered and sub suppliers failure to deliver materials required for production. If customer refuses to take the ordered articles or has not paid the former invoices on time, it will be regarded as a cancellation of the articles. This gives Eva go Diva Official ApS the right to claim full compensation for any loss and sell the articles to other customers. The compensation fee is 50% of the order confirmation amount. The compensation fee can not be rejected by the buyer in any regard. 

PRICES Any prices quoted shall be subject to changes in customs duties and excise taxes of any kind and sudden exchange rate fluctuations. Eva go Diva Official ApS has the right to change the selling prices after orders are placed by customer and until articles are invoiced to customer. 

TERMS OF PAYMENT Payment terms will depend on customer credit worthiness but standard is 30 days NET. Payment is only considered done when made to bank account stated on the invoice. Payment to third part – as agent or by check to representative is not considered as received. Overdue accounts will be charged 2,0 % interest per month. When paying, Eva go Diva Official ApS has the right to take the payment for the interest first. Dunning charges will be added for each reminder send. Eva go Diva Official ApS is entitled to demand a bank guarantee on all orders if customer delays any payment. This does not give the customer the right to cancel any ordered articles. 

PROPERTY / LEGAL COMMITMENT The delivered articles remain the property ofEva go Diva Official ApS until full payment has been Terms and conditions Eva go Diva Official Aps Kompagnistræde 14D 1208 Kbh K, Denmark info@astan.dk CVR DK-42814768 received. In case of bankruptcy or legal close down of buyer, Eva go Diva Official ApS is in titled to claim the due amount from registered owner and not the actual buyers registered VAT no. 

COMPLAINTS Any visible complaints must be within 14 days of receipt of the articles at the latest. Complaints concerning part-deliveries such as under-delivery in pieces/sizes/design shall not entitle the customer to cancel the received styles or the remaining styles in order. Claims of fitting or non-visible damage must also be made within 30 days. Complains must be informed written and subject to acceptance by Eva go Diva Official APS before any articles are returned by customer. Eva go Diva Official ApS return note must be filled out and sent along with the articles. 

VENUE AND LAW Any disputes in connection with this Contract shall be settled according to Danish law and with the Maritime and Commercial Court in Copenhagen being the local court. 

TERMS OF DELIVERY Articles are sent from Eva go Diva Official ApS and delivered primary with courier GLS og PostNord and based on their conditions. Eva go Diva Official ApS reserves the right to postpone the date of delivery with 20 days. New articles will not be sent if the account is overdue, and articles will only be send once full payment is received. Such delay does not entitle the customer to cancel the order. In case of delays due to circumstances as being force majeure situations the date of delivery will be postponed for the duration of any such circumstance preventing delivery. Eva go Diva Official ApS is entitled to postpone the delivery of an order or to cancel an order if the customer fails to make payments for articles previously delivered. This does not entitle the customer to cancel present orders. We insure the articles according to Inco terms CIF (Free customer place)